IT's official your Quiz Results are in!

Your Wealth Blocker is…


You live your life believing that having money and enjoying any type of wealth is only ever going to be a dream for you. That voice in your head constantly reminds you that money is for others and NOT for you.

You’ve done such a great job of convincing yourself you’ll never have money that it’s ingrained into you and part of your Money DNA.

Understanding your Money DNA and your own unique natural wiring are the pieces of the puzzle that will allow you to reset your relationship with money.


Your expectation around money, or more accurately lack of money, is the route of the issue for you. Every time you utter those words “I can’t afford it” you’re putting your whole focus on the lack of money instead of being open to receiving it.

This is playing into the law of attraction, meaning we attract what we desire. Belief and expectation are the two biggest elements at work here. In your life your expectation is to have no money so the law of attraction is bringing you what you expect and believe you should have.

Don’t focus on the lack of money in your life because you’re attracting back more of the same. Instead focus on a more abundant life that welcomes money as a friend and not a foe. When you do that you’re attracting back that abundance to you tenfold.

Ester Hicks, inspirational speaker and author, talks about there being ‘two ends of every subject’. In regards to money specifically, she talks about their being two sides, one side is the money you want and the other is your lack of money. 

Her philosophy is to focus on the want and not the lack.

So next time you find yourself thinking “I can’t afford to go out for that meal“ or “we’ll never have enough money for a holiday“ reframe that thought. Try “when I get paid we’ll go out for a meal“ or “I’m saving for our holiday next year“.

 it's time to Equalize Expectations around money and start to attract and not repel.

Together we’ll make that shift happen and change your money mindset status quo.

Some Inner Monologues which might sound familiar….

We just don't have the money to do that

We've never had any money and that's not about to change

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

I’ll never have enough money

You need money to make money


Repeat daily and pin to a place where it will be a constant reminder….

I know we’ll have the money to do that soon

I am not poor, I am on the path to a financially free life

I control money, money doesn’t control me

I’m attracting an abundant life rather than repelling it

I have the power to improve my relationship with money

Equalizing Expectations around money is a bit like renovating your house - except the changes we’re making are to your mindset instead of your home.

It’s time to redesign the blueprint of your subconscious beliefs and visualize a very different space. Imagine your mind as a blank canvas telling a brand new story…

A story which allows you to:

...let go of of your preconceived ideas around money

...let go of of your preconceived ideas around money

...improve your relationship with money on all levels

...understand the money mindset required to get rid of a 'lack' mentality

…break up with scarcity and flirt with affluent abundance

But first, we need to reset your relationship with money

And that starts with reframing your belief system around your Wealth Block….the one that’s rooted in your mindset.

Because money EXPECTATION is controlling your mindset repelling your ability to manifest a life of affluent abundance.

Think of money as a tool. One that can be used to effect that positive change within your reality.

Money is NOT the root of all evil. It can be used as a force for good and we’re all worthy of financial abundance.

The way you subconsciously think about receiving, spending, saving and withdrawing money is a powerful thing because your beliefs drive your behavior.

But you have the power to rewrite your story and move beyond intention and create real, lasting change.

But where does your money mindset originate from?

It usually stems from our childhood in those formative years when we were first introduced to the concept of money.

So many of our limiting beliefs are influenced by our upbringing and our surrounding environment.

Maybe the phrase We’re living paycheck to paycheck!” was a common one in your house. 

Or perhaps a common conversation around your dinner table was about lack of money and how your family had always been poor and phrases such as “We need to tighten our belts” were commonplace.

Hear these often enough and they start to become part of your subconscious mindset around money.

So how do we change this and reprogram our minds?

Can I get scientific for a moment?

Scientists believe that your subconscious mind controls 95 percent of your life. That’s huge. It means only 5% of the decisions we make happen consciously, which is why it’s so important we have some understanding over the inner workings of our subconscious mind.


Our daily routine of getting up, starting work, eating, drinking and sleeping is a habit. One that’s so well-formed we don’t even realize we’re doing it.

Our subconscious is a hard drive of information which can be recalled at any point and used over and over again.

BUT…it’s not just your daily routine being stored it’s everything. Every thought you’ve ever had, positive or negative, things you’ve experienced, dreams, memories, and of course those pesky limiting beliefs around money.

What we’re about to do is reset your hard drive and erase all that harmful data that’s become like a virus clouding your thoughts and emotions, dictating your every move and influencing your judgment without you even knowing.

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Let me introduce you to….Your Personal Path to Affluent Abundance


First things first, we need to identify those limiting beliefs you have around money.

Each and every one of them. Don’t hold back.

Be honest with yourself and list out each thought you’ve ever had around money.

Try to remember when you first had that thought and who instigated it.

Did you hear your parents arguing about money from a young age?

Has the expectation growing up always been that no matter how hard you work you’ll never earn more than minimum wage?

Did your family talk about ‘being poor’ and how life doesn’t change for people like us?

Were you told when you came home from school with a note about a school trip that there wasn’t enough money to waste on things like that?

All of these are valid thoughts and help to feed those money mindset monkeys.

The only way you can distance yourself from your negative beliefs around money, and eventually banish them completely, is by first identifying each and every one.


Now you’ve identified your limiting beliefs, it’s time to challenge them. Writing a list is great but on its own it won’t be effective.

Every time a negative money thought enters your mind, challenge the assumption you’ve just made and ask yourself for supporting evidence.

What evidence exists to support that negative thought?

Allow yourself to consider that thought from different angles with a fresh perspective.

Clear your mind and really challenge yourself to think differently.


The way you talk to yourself has a massive effect on your subconscious mind. Negative inner monologues have a negative affect on how we think and feel so it’s time to flick the switch.

And develop some positive inner monologues around money.

If you’ve ever had one of those days where you’ve felt grumpy all day muttering and mumbling under your breath then you’ll know what I mean.

Because you’ve told yourself you’re in a bad mood it affects everything you do that day.

This is no different.

Developing your ability around positive affirmations and positive self-talk will make all the difference to how you deal with your wealth blocks and money concerns.

Here’s a couple of examples:

Negative: I can’t afford that. Positive: Once I get paid I’ll do it

Negative: I’ll never have more money. Positive: I want to have more money.


And finally, protect your new and positive thoughts from the negative self-destructive ones.

Just like anything new it takes time for this to become the ‘new norm’ and you need to sustain your positivity over a lasting period of time.

Jump on any negative money thoughts that enter your mind.

Be protective like a lioness with her cub.

Nurture your new positive thoughts and put a shield between you and negativity.

Bottom line, you can reset your hard drive at any time, it’s never too late to get started.

You’re the one in control of your own mind, nobody else, so you get to decide what you let in and what you don’t.

you can do this, i know you can! How do I know? Because I've been there...

I'm Dan Mangena!

I have climbed from the bottom to the top,

created my dream life, and can teach you how to do it too.

I’m a podcast host, a best-selling author, international speaker, and a successful entrepreneur. I’ve been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines, and appeared on FOX, CNN, and CBS

Yet, I know what it’s like to be stuck and unhappy too.

That used to be me. I even know what it’s like to hit such a rough patch in life that I once contemplated suicide because I couldn’t envision my life being worth living anymore. 

A life-shattering trauma at the age of 20, a late diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome, and amassing a great deal of wealth and then losing it all took its toll.

When I tell you, I’ve climbed from the bottom to the top, I really mean it.

I’ve discovered that financial freedom is a necessary steppingstone to create a truly abundant purpose-driven life. This is an important component of my teachings.

BUT true abundance is being rich AND having time freedom AND wonderful relationships AND great health AND joyful life experiences.

I teach people how to achieve that.

This is just the start of our journey together and I can’t wait to help set you free and see you fly.


I have climbed from the bottom to the top,

created my dream life, and can teach you how to do it too.

I’m a podcast host, a best-selling author, international speaker, and a successful entrepreneur. I’ve been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines, and appeared on FOX, CNN, and CBS

Yet, I know what it’s like to be stuck and unhappy too.

That used to be me. I even know what it’s like to hit such a rough patch in life that I once contemplated suicide because I couldn’t envision my life being worth living anymore. A life-shattering trauma at the age of 20, a late diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome, and amassing a great deal of wealth and then losing it all took its toll.

When I tell you, I’ve climbed from the bottom to the top, I really mean it.



Make space in your diary and join me in….


The 3 Step Action Plan to Beating Your #1 Wealth Blocker EXPECTATION!

This is your key to finally resetting your relationship with money.

I’ll be revealing three little known secrets to help you:

Start creating financial freedom in your life

Improve your relationship with money on all levels

Banish the 'money expectation' mentality caused by your wealth blocker

It’s time to stop seeing money as the root of all evil and start seeing it as a tool for good.

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