Our Money Stories

Not everyone truly desires to be rich "I just want to be rich!"Yeah, but do you? Do you really? How often do we say that we want, consciously, more abundance in our finances, but the programs in the unconscious mind keep playing out and for one reason or another we...

Reality wraps around how we feel

OK Dan, but if it was that easy, wouldn’t everyone be a millionaire by now? Well yes and no – yes because simplicity doesn’t always equate to ease and no, because not everyone wants to be a millionaire. One of the three things that I learned failing to make some...

Being ready for a coach and Micro-Shifting

Weird title for a blog, but bear with me!!  I’ve spoken about belief and micro-shifting before, I know. What I’m talking about today though, is more in the context of your mindset going in to learning new techniques, methods or listening to a coach. In brief: if you can not...

Be Your Own Celebrity

Don’t expect to bask in someone else’s reflected glory!  Hey dreamers,  How’s it going? I wanted to touch on something today that I think applies to a lot of people, or at the very least; is something most of us are acutely aware of, in the age of the “insta-star”. ...

Guilt, Remorse & Self Forgiveness

Stop trying to escape & recognise that you have the power with you to make new choices! So today guys & gals, I really want to speak to you about how we can stop burdening ourselves with self-flagellating thoughts and emotions like guilt or remorse.  These are emotional states that...

My Story

Who is Daniel Mangena? Hello everyone, Happy Monday!!  I love Mondays. They have so much potential and beautiful energy around them. If you’re in a line of work that causes you to dread Mondays…I urge you to find something else, and quick!  Anyway, that’s not what today’s blog is all...