
Mangena's Blog 

When you are ready, you are ready…

The mind does not lose, and the environment does not lie on what the story is.

I had a very impactful two day intensive last week with one of my mentors and what he said blew me away:

“Humans are the only species that can make a reality out of something that is not true”

That one got me… I was struck by the simplicity of it and have spent the time since hearing those words asking myself – what stories am I telling myself?

I was shocked by some of the findings, and also by how quickly I have been able to move in and out of outcomes when I bring that heightened level of awareness to all I am doing through who I am being. Fully owned and in my power.

I wanted to thank all of you for sharing and feeding back on my article Why I Love Donald Trump Some people were scared to open it as they didn’t want to not be my friend anymore, but relax, it is hardly even about Donald at all… Give it a read and let me know your thoughts…

I have really been enjoying stepping more deeply into integrity in some of the “little” things, and watching how change happens in a big way when we take care of the details. If you would like to join our Beyond Accountability telegram community then join us any Sunday for a Monday start- download the communication app “Telegram” and then join using this link: JOIN NOW

That’s about all for now, I am looking forward to supporting you guys with the next five day challenge (starting October 28th) and invite you go ahead and sign up now. This one is all about creating money…

Much love and go create something dope this week  you deserve it!


P.S. When you are ready there are some further ways that my team and I can support you on your journey

*Join Beyond Intention University (“BIU”) for just $1 -”BIU is our new and improved membership program that gives group coaching, access to our online programs, monthly classes and online support for less than your coffee budget”

*Ready to talk group or one to one coaching? Book your free, no obligation discovery call HERE

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