Don’t take things purely on faith! We owe you more than that.
I want to preface this article by saying that I see a lot of clients, who come to me with preconceived notions on attraction, based largely on (frankly) brainwashing that has taken place elsewhere. It is all too easy for ‘coaches’ in The Law of Attraction and other modalities to tell their clients to just ‘have faith’ when really what they’re doing is papering over the cracks in their teaching. So is The Law of Attraction a Scam?
Let’s figure that out together.
Welcome back to another of my (hopefully) informative and eye-opening Blogs. This one is based on a chat that we had, over on the LOA Today Podcast.
You can listen to the full episode here:
The notion of energetic bodies and past life experiences came up on the show, which led me to (in a somewhat defiant, ‘devil’s-advocate’ tone) question the validity of those claims.
Now I am someone who speaks a lot on the different laws of the universe, energetic flow and so on. Don’t get me wrong. I do feel though, that we teachers, thought leaders, coaches et al; need to have our feet held to the fire on occasion.
It’s not good enough to say: “have faith”.
Growing up in the church I was fed this line all the time, in what at the time felt like a hand-waving, lazy, dismissive move to get me off someone’s back. If we truly want people to grow and expand through what we have to offer, we have to do better than that!
Belief is a huge part of making these modalities work, we have to acknowledge that. Or rather: disbelief is a surefire way for them not to work. It is therefore incumbent upon those of us who espouse these new (to some) ways of thinking, to prove their validity!
I’m not saying that we need to roll out some kind of scientific research, that uses an ‘attract-o-meter’ to measure just how much attraction you’re attracting at any given moment. Following ‘The Science’ is, in my opinion, riddled with pitfalls and all too often: a fool’s errand.
It’s ‘The Science’ that has us in the global predicament that we currently face.
So what do we do? Must we prove everything unequivocally, before we will buy into it? Is The Law of Attraction really just a scam if someone believes in it?
Well the first thing to say is that, if you believe something, believe it. It definitely won’t work if you don’t, so commit to something being real if you’re going to try it. Remain open to the possibility at the very least.
At the same time, we have to examine our beliefs. That’s on us! We have to have a critical mind that examines what’s put in front of us.
Within that as well comes the roll that science does play. Just as we shouldn’t rely solely on ‘the science’ nor should we dismiss it outright. I actually know people who have died, because they rejected science altogether, in favour of talismans and other ‘alternative’ healing.
Science, if nothing else, gives us something to stand on. A foothold for our belief systems. The double slit experiment for example, and that energy awaits expectation; these things show us the ‘why’ of something.
It’s not that I put a cheque for $1M on the wall that brings me the $1M, it is my expectation that putting the cheque on the wall will lead to the $1M.
We have so much creation and possibility open to us here and now, on Earth, in our reality: that the notion of looking to the stars and inter-dimensional beings seems unwarranted to me.
This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t, but it has to be seen in the context of everything else that’s going on. Do you really need space aliens in order to create a million dollars? No. Could your belief that they exist and could help you, lead you to create a million dollars? Absolutely.
Do you see the difference?
So no, is the short answer: The Law of Attraction is definitely not a scam.
It is backed by science, but moreover; it’s backed by belief. That does not mean that’s all you should require in order to buy into it. It also does not mean that there aren’t people out there using it to create scams.
The answer (as with everything) lies with you. You create your reality after all. It’s up to you as to whether or not these modalities work, and not in a wishy-washy ‘just have faith’ way. In a tangible way, on your own terms.
I have plenty of materials and guides on the law of attraction, as well as other great free resources here on my website.
Thank you so much for reading this blog, from the bottom of my heart! If you enjoyed it, I produce regular Do It With Dan blogs, podcasts and videos. I have three books published now: Stepping Beyond Intention, The Dreamer’s Manifesto and From Time-to-Time (a really great book on time mastery). All of these are here to serve you and make you part of the journey as well.
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