
Mangena's Blog 

Turning my mess into my message

and finding financial abundance

Turning my mess into my message
Words, possible. Toy bricks on the table

Turning my mess into my message has, ultimately, been my salvation. In this blog, I’ll explain how you can do the same.

Hello guys and happy Friday – I’m happy to have you here! As we approach the end of the month (and with spring on the horizon), it’s a great opportunity to exhale and take stock. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say my perspective has certainly shifted when compared to this time last year!

If you’re still not living the purpose-driven life of your dreams however, you’ve come to the right place. In the face of adversity, it would be easy to admit defeat, right? But hear me out. What if I told you that it was in fact through my own failings that I turned my mess into my message?

If I hadn’t experienced that period of doubt and uncertainty in my life, I wouldn’t be the person I am now. Nor would I be where I am today, finding financial abundance for so many. The same goes for your story too (that I can promise)!

The twists and turns of my journey – Turning my Mess into my Message

While success (by the bucket load!) came to me relatively early in my career, I quickly learned that it doesn’t matter what you can create unless you can hold onto it. I was young, and in many cases naïve! So, not surprisingly, that success left as quickly as it arrived. I went from zero to millionaire status twice in just five years. Looking back, I still pinch myself even now! I got to the point where everything just felt like a bit of mess.

As I watched things crumble away, it struck me that I’d chosen the wrong path. Instead, I should have listened to my mum, gone to church, finished my degree, got married, had kids – the classic ‘Game of Life’ roll of the dice! But many of those opportunities had come and gone, and the more I thought about life (and my place within it), the more out of control the world suddenly started to feel.

I wanted to close the chapter – I didn’t think about turning my mess into my message

As human beings we crave closure. But my situation, seemingly catastrophic failings had led me to believe that the only thing I could take control of was whether or not I walked the Earth. I became so obsessed with how I had failed through losing my fortune, that I made it my mission to succeed in carrying out the unthinkable.

The whole drive behind solving my reality creation mishaps wasn’t so I could get up and try again. It was so I could close the chapter. Never in a million years did I think about turning my mess into my message, but then things started to change. Once I’d made this decision, I actually started choosing life more. Ultimately, it wasn’t the fear of closing that chapter, but in failing to close that chapter – and the aftermath to follow – that saved me from myself. 

woman in white bath tub Turning my mess into my message
Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.com

How not to make the same mistake (more than twice)!

We all make mistakes, or as I like to put it, we all have to learn. But how had I created something so abundant, and lost control of it twice in a row?  I spent all of my time trying to work out what had gone wrong. I’d created something great, but for whatever reason it refused to stick around. As a result, my journey became about repeatable, consistent success – and sharing that with others.

Now, not only can I personally enjoy success with staying power, but through my own message I’ve empowered others to enjoy abundance. In whatever way, shape or form they invite it into their lives.

Finding financial abundance – what’s the secret?

The way I see it is this; people often think there’s a difference between how we create relationships, how we create health, and how we create wealth. But the truth is, the universe doesn’t have an opinion. It doesn’t care whether you’re seeking to recover from a serious illness or looking to leave a relationship. For this reason, what tends to happen is that we fall into success by accident. And because we do so – often without realising – we rarely go on to repeat it. Everything stays the same, yet by aligning with that guiding principle and returning to that simple truth that everything just ‘is’, we can hope to embody perpetual abundance.

If I want to be healthy, I need to change my underlying narrative to one of health. If I want to be a nice human, I need to make it part of my program to be a nice human! Should I want to become wealthy and successful, I need to change the substance of ‘me’ so my core code becomes one of wealth and success. Only then will this narrative continue to play out consistently, empowering me to call such abundance into my life.

woman standing on sunflower field
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Everything is a choice

I speak a lot about alignment and aligning with our choices, but did you ever stop to think that those choices are already happening consistently at an unconscious level? In order to align with our calling, such as finding financial abundance, it must become a conscious choice. Over time, the choices that we make – which lead to life’s rich tapestry of experiences – are what make us who we are today. In order for that path to change however, it’s about imprinting these choices on the unconscious emotional state, and allowing it to follow the lead of our fully conscious decisions.

It’s about taking a step back and taking charge over every new input as the new way of doing things. Whatever we’re consciously feeling, thinking, or doing. There will then come a time that the unconscious mind overwrites what was there before. Allowing us to move into that life of joy and abundance with our eyes wide open.

Turning my mess into my message IS the message. The mere process can help you achieve anything you desire.

Thank you for visiting my blog. It means so much to think I’m able to touch people’s lives with my message, wherever they happen to be in the world! Whether it’s finding financial abundance or starting a different kind of journey, it’s not too late to re-write your story. You’ll find lots of resources here to get you started. Whether you explore the blog further or tune into my Do It With Dan podcast. For the science behind living a purpose-driven existence, my humble shelf of bestselling books. From my latest release ‘Money Game’ to the ever-popular ‘Stepping Beyond Intention’ – make for great reading material! 

For more guidance on how to change your internal programming, to attract greater abundance and experience greater freedom, please click on the link below for free access to my:

‘3 Secrets to Becoming a Harmonious MONEY MAGNET: REVEALED’


  1. frolep rotrem

    Good article and straight to the point. I am not sure if this is truly the best place to ask but do you people have any ideea where to employ some professional writers? Thanks 🙂

    1. Daniel Mangena

      Thank you so much for your message. You can speak to a member of my team here: operations@dreamwithdan.com I’m sure one of them will be happy to help connect you with a professional writer.

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