
Mangena's Blog 

The Power of Meditation and Reality Transurfing

It’s time to get Woo-Woo!!

serene man meditating in lotus pose on sofa Power of Meditation
Photo by Gabby K on Pexels.com

A big hello to all you lovely folk out there, and my heartfelt thanks for visiting my blog! Having locked ourselves away from society this past year, it’s fair to say we’ve had more time alone with our thoughts. In absence of speaking aloud on the commute to work or catching up with friends, that ‘exhale’ moment has been lost. We’re often left swirling about in our minds as a result. You may have turned to meditation for this very reason! It’s a great way, of course, to help calm these thoughts and return to a place of stillness. But what if I told you that meditation can also be used as a life-altering tool? The power of meditation and Reality Transurfing are two of the ways we can move beyond that space, edging closer to a life full of joy and abundance. 

The Power of Meditation is just the beginning

You may have read elsewhere that I discourage meditation, but that just isn’t the case; I often meditate myself! Instead, I believe that meditation should be part of a holistic approach to how we create our reality, and how we consciously choose to live our lives. We can start by asking ourselves: what is the reason we even meditate in the first place?

The power of meditation returns us to that mental state and can help restore the balance of emotional wellbeing, yes. But more often than not, the journey stops there. We leave that realm of meditation willingly, without anything concrete to show for it. My point here is this: if the beneficial, spiritual practice of meditation is non-transferable to our physical lives, then what is the point? And is there a better use of our precious time? 

From the power of meditation, to The bridge of alignment 

By wielding the power of meditation, how can you start to apply these learnings or realizations gleaned from your practice? What can you hope to achieve? Once you’ve committed to that meditation, the act of applying it to your everyday life can be achieved through alignment. But what does this mean exactly? When I talk about alignment, I mean aligning to the intention we have for our lives. This is best served when coming from a place of heart and mind co-ordination, or listening to the heart and giving it a physical ‘voice’.

Alignment is about setting clear intentions based on what our hearts are singing, and where our true passions lie. Once we do that, we are then able to move onto our first point of contact between the physical and non-physical. Also known as our vibration or emotional state. In order for the thought processes from within our mental space to manifest into something real, we then have our physical bodies. To make those intentions physical, they must be received and embodied within the physical – and that’s where the action kicks in.

woman jumping under blue sky Power of Meditation
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Pexels.com

What can I expect to feel at the other end?

You’ve bridged the gap between the non-physical and physical, and you’ve opened your heart to seek alignment – so what comes next? For me, an abundant, joyful, purpose-driven life is the rounded-off human experience, and something we are all capable (and worthy) of. Through the power of meditation and by achieving alignment, we are able to experience elements of this almost instantaneously. Still not convinced it’s for you? Let me break it down with my reasons ‘why’:

  • Abundance – because as humans it’s our calling to appreciate life in all its fullness.
  • Purpose-driven – because it’s being directive, as opposed to being led by the unconscious mind.
  • Joyful – because joy is the natural state of being (and we are all worthy of a joyful life).

My chance encounter with Reality Transurfing

From the power of meditation, we move onto Reality Transurfing (something you may, or may not have heard of). It was really interesting when Reality Transurfing arrived into my life. When I looked at all the modalities available out there – with meditation being one of them – they generally only tackled one piece of the puzzle. Very few of them covered all bases of the mind, body and soul (the mental, physical and spiritual).

I spent my career helping people seek joyful, purpose-driven lives through tools such as my Beyond Intention Paradigm. Then I discovered Reality Transurfing! Now as one of the few English-speaking certified instructors of Reality Transurfing, it’s great to add this to my toolkit! As a similar teaching modality that already happened to be out there in another part of the world. So how, I hear you ask, can we adopt this modality and apply it to our daily experiences? 

cute seal on crystal clear water
Photo by Elianne Dipp on Pexels.com

We’re just brushing the surface…

Founded by Vadim Zeland – Reality Transurfing is an esoteric philosophy that empowers you to see and control your world differently. Akin to my Beyond Intention Paradigm, it’s about your energy levels, thought quality, and actions coming together to create your desired reality. The intentions within Zeland’s teachings fall into two separate camps: inner intention and outer intention. The inner – or the ‘push and pull’ – is about understanding how to dance with the universe (in a universe that does most of the heavy lifting).

Going beyond the act of willpower, it’s about working with the laws of the universe to ‘create’ via the creative plane. And here’s the groovy part; outer intention is about things coming to you, and acknowledging the infinite bounty of the universe. This takes the popular idea of the Law of Attraction and manifestation to another level. It puts it into a beautiful framework that actually works! Want to know more? Get in touch via my practitioner page, and I’ll be more than happy to discuss the power of meditation and Reality Transurfing further.

Thanks again for visiting my blog, and I hope you can make time to return once again! In the interim, please take advantage of all my other resources designed to help you on your journey. Whether that’s exploring my blog content further, turning into my ‘Do It With Dan’ podcast, or taking a peek at my bestselling books (including the ever-popular ‘Stepping Beyond Intention), I hope you can find the tools to help you achieve greater alignment within your life – whatever your end destination!

For more guidance on how to change your internal programming, to attract greater abundance and experience greater freedom, please click on the link below for free access to my:

‘3 Secrets to Becoming a Harmonious MONEY MAGNET: REVEALED’

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