Follow your breadcrumbs and tell your story!
Greetings fellow dreamers!
Coming at you with an extra special blog today, taken from my conversation with the magical Tricia Brouk. You can check out the full podcast by watching the video below, or by heading over to your preferred podcast provider and search for ‘Do it With Dan’.
Tricia Runs The Big Talk Academy. You can check them out by…
Clicking Here!
She has also very generously given readers of my blog and listeners of the podcast two free gifts, that you can find the links to down below!
Something that came out of our chat was the importance of mentorship and being prepared to deliver your message, at the top of your game.
So for those of you who don’t know; Tricia has worked as a dancer, film producer, choreographer and now runs the incredible Big Talk Academy. Her aim is to help the speakers of tomorrow find their voice and deliver their message with the maximum possible impact.
She and her team have helped so many people get ‘match fit’ before stepping onto stages large and small, in front of audiences large and small. Bringing with her, her background in dance and theatre; Tricia teaches her academy students to the absolute highest degree. Being certified by the Big Talk Academy is a respected achievement and is recognised by a lot of the world’s largest speaker organisers, including TedX.
Tricia knows what it takes to be at the top of your game, when it comes to public speaking. She has produced TedX shows for years, giving her a unique insight into the required attributes and standards of a TedX speaker. She also understands what organisers of Ted Talks look for when curating events.
She speaks to that and a lot more in the podcast, so please check it out if you’re an aspiring public speaker, a well seasoned public speaker or just interested in learning about how to up your game in whatever industry you’re involved with.
I’m big on mentorship. It has made all the difference in my journey. As I’ve said before: I have made and lost fortunes over the years, a big common denominator in my ‘failures’ was my belief that I could go it alone (I say “failures”, with the right attitude; there is no such thing). Since those days I have committed to investing in my personal development, finding people at the level I want to be at and who can hold me accountable.
As Tricia points out: everyone needs a coach when they are ready to go to the next level. It’s not a point of weakness either! The very best athletes, actors and public speakers hire coaches and mentors, because they know that in order to be at the top of their game, they can not just rely on themselves!
Having a mentor doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact it doesn’t even have to cost anything; you just need somebody who can support you and hold your feet to the fire when required.
In addition to finding a great coach or mentor; it is important to surround yourself with a community of others who’s feedback you can trust. It’s human nature to gravitate towards ‘yes men’ or people who will kiss our respective asses. By the same token, the opposite can be true as well! Surround yourself with the wrong kind of people (e.g. those who are perhaps not in alignment with your goal because they see you as competition) and you might find yourself given misguiding information or unfair criticism.
This was a big factor in how Tricia created her community of speakers. She wanted to cultivate a space where everyone could learn from everyone else. As she says in the podcast: they now have 30-year veterans who command five-figure salaries for speaking, working alongside 18-year olds who are just starting out. Everyone has something to learn and something to teach, no matter what their stage.
And it is this philosophy that speaks to the wider truth that: we all have a message to give. You’re maybe sat at home, frustrated that you aren’t being heard. As I discussed in my podcast with Daniel B Levin (due out later this week): one of the primary drivers behind people committing crime, violence and all sorts of other outrageous behaviour, stems from a feeling that they’re not being heard! So is it time you found your voice?
You might be thinking that nobody wants to hear what you have to say, but nothing could be further from the truth. Tricia’s philosophy on this is that we all have a story! There are 7.8 billion people in the world and your story will impact someone out there. It will have a profound impact on at least one out of the 7.8 billion and you owe it to that person or persons to tell it! After all: stories are meant to be told, otherwise they’re not stories. So tell yours the best you can and who knows who you’ll touch and what connections you will make!
Tricia’s main goal has always been to be of service to people. It was following that particular breadcrumb that lead her to great success with the Big Talk Academy, and is a quality that I greatly admire in her. To that end, she has very generously offered my readers/listeners:
- A free PDF on how to get chosen by organisers
- A Free to Watch Video with Robin Joy Meyers on Preparing a TEDx Talk
- A Special Link for My Readers to Enrol at The Big Talk Academy Before October 4th!!!
As her story shows; we never know where just telling our story and following the breadcrumbs will take us. So start learning how to tell yours the best you can today!
That’s all from me. Much love and if you enjoyed this, I produce regular Do It With Dan blogs, podcasts and videos. I have three books published now: Stepping Beyond Intention, The Dreamer’s Manifesto and From Time-to-Time (a really great book on time mastery). All of these are here to serve you and make you part of the journey as well.
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