
Mangena's Blog 

I’ll be Here When You Get Back

Slay your demons NOW, don’t be tempted to bypass!

Hey Everyone!!

What a glorious new week we have ahead of us. Be a Monday person, I am! If you don’t love Mondays, then you have work to do!!

OK, so this week I wanted to talk about the need not to bypass. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that, when we jump into the spiritual, beautiful ‘gooeyness’ of elevated states; we have to come back at some point! When we do, everything that you’ve been trying to leave behind will be waiting for you. 

Even the things you maybe think that you can breeze past, once you’ve done your meditation or guided visualisation. They’ll still be there until you face them and deal with them. 

The powerful thing that you can do is, yes; make your way into these elevated states. Step into your higher levels and see things from without in order to gain perspective, but – having done the work to address that which was anchoring you down in the first place. 

How can we do that?

Well, I come back to the thing I always say: own where you’re at now. Pretending that something hasn’t happened, isn’t happening or isn’t yours, is not going to serve you! In fact it is just going to act as a block, keeping you from an abundant, joyful, purpose-driven life!

I may well say this till I’m blue in the face, but it’s worth it to drive the point home: when the crap presents itself; deal with it! Don’t put your head in the sand!

Now, I don’t say that from a place of shame or harshness. When we deal with whatever ugliness is raising its head in our lives, we must do so lovingly and from a space of self-care. Be gentle with yourselves! That’s so important. Beating yourself up over something, isn’t dealing with it and ultimately just serves to create more energetic barriers to overcoming it. 

Then, when you pop up into a higher state of being, you’ll be able to drop back down into a space that you’ve actually dealt with, rather than mess that you’ve left behind. 

As always: I try to speak from a place of experience, and this is something I’ve had showing up in my own life recently. Some challenges have come up, along with the opportunity to look past them or look at them ‘through a new lens’. But if I do that and don’t deal with what is actually creating these experiences in the first place; I am just going to be faced with them at some point in the future. 

You might be tempted to say “nah, I’ve grown” or “I’ll just ‘love & light’ this one” but there will be times when we may not have the personal space or capacity to deal head on with the difficult issues. When our humanity kicks in and those methods of (let’s face it) avoidance just aren’t within our purview; we will be faced with those demons. This is why you need to slay those demons while you can!

You might have a family to take of, bills to pay and your car has just broken down, so the thought of now being the time to reconcile with your Dad over decades of issues is unthinkable. So do it now!

So my call to action for you is this:

  • Slay those demons now
  • Do it from a space of love
  • Seek support for when you need it
  • Celebrate yourself when you have wins, big & small

Do this and when you are faced with challenges or difficulties, in whatever realm, transposition or frequency you might be on; you will be able to face them down empowered and weaken their ability to have an effect on you. 

Remember to own where your at first though guys, I can’t emphasise the importance of that enough. Lovingly take responsibility for being here in the first place, really deal with the demons as they present themselves and then when you are confronted with them in the future; you’ll be in a much stronger position. 

How many times have you found yourself coming back down to Earth, be it from a transcendent plane or just from a high from a holiday or big event; only to find that your issues are still present. It’s so easy to get in to a tail spin when we find ourselves in this position, but not if we’ve done the heavy lifting before hand! 

That’s all for today. 

I hope this has clicked with some of you. If you enjoyed it, I produce regular Do It With Dan blogs, podcasts and videos. I have three books published now: Stepping Beyond Intention, The Dreamer’s Manifesto and From Time-to-Time (a really great book on time mastery). All of these are here to serve you and make you part of the journey as well. 

For more guidance on how to change your internal programming, to attract greater abundance and experience greater freedom: please click on the link below for free access to my…

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