Clearing is for life, not just for Christmas!
This subject, and much more besides, came up in an interview video that I did recently with my dear, dear friend Lisa Winneke.
If you haven’t already, please head over to here YouTube Channel: The Good News Guidecheck out her videos and hit ‘subscribe’!
Lisa is an author, speaker, truth seeker with qualifications in numerous energy modalities. She is passionate about life and it is with her big heart and love of humans, combined with an innate ability to communicate, that she effortlessly uncovers the gold that exists within people and their lives.
Lisa has been deeply immersed in the world of personal development for well over a decade and has experienced the gifts of deeply transforming oneself from suffering and surviving, to thriving. She brings to the table a real rawness, integrity, authenticity and infectious energy that has people deeply engaged in her conversations and work.
Her inspiration and her ‘why’ is to support people in reconnecting with the immense power that resides within them, and remembering that they are more extraordinary, more beautiful and more powerful than they have ever known.
Let’s get started!
OK so ‘Clearing’ is a subject I have touched on more than once before and as those of you who have read Stepping Beyond Intention (or attended any of my retreats, courses or online programs) will know: is vital to your success in creating change for yourself.
Clearing comes after Accepting, but I want to focus on Clearing for today.
So when Lisa and I talked about Clearing, one of the things that came out of our discussion was the very personal nature of it. I’ve made this point before as well, but I think it’s worth delving into a bit more here: you need to find what works for you!
Because you are a brilliant, amazing, unique unicorn; what you’ve got in you that needs clearing is totally personal! It was all filtered through you anyway, so how could it be otherwise?!!
The only way that you will be able to clear yourself energetically, is to find a bespoke method, probably made up of various practices.
A great, free resource to help you with clearing is my Clearing Encyclopaedia which I would encourage you to download. This is a wealth of information, with links to all of the fantastic clearing tools I have used over the years and continue to use today.
I really want to encourage you to be patient and gentle with yourselves, both as you find your feet and as you move forward. Although I want to offer you as many short-cuts as possible; you will have to engage in a bit of trial and error to see what works.
You will also find that you will need to evolve as you go, based on your needs. This is an ongoing process and one that requires constant review. As you evolve, different things are going to come up that need clearing and you are going to need different tools in order to deal with them.
I have found, for example, that over the years; sometimes meditation doesn’t work for me. I find myself almost trying to force it, and if that sounds like you; then it’s probably time to switch tack. As I say; just be patient and gentle with yourself. Don’t force it, just accept that whatever you’re using isn’t the right fit and switch to something else.
The important thing is to not beat yourself up! Don’t see the resistance as being a big failing in you or something that you just ‘don’t get’. Just move to something else.
Clearing is so important because reality wraps around our perceptions and our beliefs. If you have stuck emotional states around being abandoned or abused in some way, for example, then you will perceive behaviours in others as being indicative of their intention to do you wrong, even if that’s not on their agenda at all!
If you doubt that at all, just open a newspaper! Reporting on the same circumstances will vary wildly, depending on who is reporting on it and what their belief systems tell them about the situation.
In order to make empowered choices, in alignment with your ideal life: you need to be able to see the present moment for what it is, with clarity and emotional neutrality. This is not about being clinical or dispassionate, we want to get to a place of joyfully emotional abundance after all. What we don’t want to do though, is allow our subconscious programming to make disempowering choices, that bring us back to our status quo!
I’ll leave it there for today guys. My love to you all. Please, please, please give my Clearing Encyclopaedia a look over! It’s free and it might just be the last piece of the puzzle for you!
If you enjoyed this, I produce regular Do It With Dan blogs, podcasts and videos. I have three books published now: Stepping Beyond Intention, The Dreamer’s Manifesto and From Time-to-Time (a really great book on time mastery). All of these are here to serve you and make you part of the journey as well.
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