
Mangena's Blog 

Go All In and Make Change Happen

Go big, or go home!

unrecognizable female athlete stretching muscles of arms and back - make change happen
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

Hey readers, Dan here! I hope everyone is keeping safe and well. May has arrived, the sun is smiling, and I feel the magic in the air! If you’re new to the blog, then a warm welcome to you. As ever, we’re here to talk about how you can live an abundant, joyful, purpose-driven life. And yes, that’s right, it’s you that can make that change happen. Ever feel like you followed the wrong path? Or how about that overwhelming sense of gate crashing someone else’s story? The chances are you’re doing just that, along with so many others, right now. Often, people who experience this moment of realization assume it’s out of their control. I can tell you now that they are wrong! It’s in your power and your power alone to change your stars. Nobody said it was going to be easy, but to make change happen – it’s all or nothing! The real question is: are you willing to go all in?

It started in the mountains

Everyone has that moment where they commit to the idea of real change. We can daydream about the perfect life as often as we want, but without action that’s all it will ever be. It might happen when you’re doing the dishes, dropping the kids off at school, or sat in a work meeting. For me, it happened in the mountains! Myself and my girlfriend at the time were doing a walk-in meditation at retreat with one of my now-teachers Dr Joe Dispenza. Anyone who’s visited Santa Fe New Mexico in the winter will know how cold it gets (and that’s coming from someone born and raised in East London, UK)! So, as you can imagine, my thoughts were a little pre-occupied thanks to the elements. But as it turned out, it may have been the bracing weather that made me see more clearly on this occasion! It was on this day in February 2018 that I had a vision of what my life could and would look like. In that moment, I realized that if I went all in, I could make change happen.

I re-conditioned my unconscious to choose life

If you’ve read my blog before, you’ll be familiar with my past difficulties and brush with suicide. I wanted to make change happen, but in a way that it could never happen again. The truth is, while I gave it my all for a certain number of years, it just wasn’t enough anymore. I made two multi-million-dollar fortunes at a very young age, and yet I managed to lose it all (twice)! I went from ‘putting it down to experience’ to down-trodden very quickly, with no obvious way out except through carrying out the unthinkable. Having made the choice to commit to this change – while it was of course a negative one – I channelled everything I had into learning how to make it work. What I didn’t realize was that by doing so, I was ‘polluting’ my mind with positive inputs! So much so that when I came up for air to remind myself what it was all for, I knew the change had taken place. During my mission to end my own life, I began choosing to live it.

blue jeans
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Pexels.com

Are you ‘walking the walk’ to make change happen?

So, you’re ‘giving it 110%’ but you’re failing to see progress. You want to make change happen, but it’s not falling into place. If you have to ask yourself whether you’re doing enough, the chances are you’re probably not! It sounds brutal, but if you’re only half interested in something, you’re going to lose focus – and sight of that all-important end goal. The good news is that within this awareness exists the power to effect change. If we can consciously say that we’re not giving it our all, then we can make the choice to alter that course. When it comes to ‘going all out’, there an invisible ‘limit’ within all of us. If we want to take it further and beat that personal best, it’s important that we surround ourselves with people that inspire us to push harder. I’ve invested a lot in my own personal development over the years. And it doesn’t end here! It’s that mentorship, guidance and training that keeps me operating at such high levels. To put it simply, if we’re not growing, we’re dying!

Keep the spark alive to make change happen

Regardless of what your ‘going all out’ is today, if you’re not pushing yourself to expand the following day, then you’ll inevitably start contracting. If you are ‘giving it your all’, then now is the time to look around you. Do your current friends, mentors and coaches inspire you to keep that fire burning? Or could you be seeking inspiration elsewhere to keep that spark alive? This is also where I highlight the importance of self-care. Making changes isn’t about the daily hustle or grind, nor does it have to spell ultimate burn-out! If you’re driving a car, you can’t any further if you run out of fuel. It may feel counter-productive, but checking in with yourself on a regular basis is crucial on the path to progress. Regardless if what you’re doing fills your heart with joy (meaning you sometimes skip breakfast!), making time for some fresh air or a glass of water is the bare minimum when it comes to taking care of you. Just remember, we have to be in service to be of service; only then can we go all in and make change happen in our lives.

person holding lighted sparkler - make change happen
Photo by Tairon Fernandez on Pexels.com

Now go give it your all

I believe in you! The abundant, joyful, purpose-driven life of your dreams may seem out of reach, but a commitment to that change is all it takes. Even if that’s very small steps in pursuit of your goal; slow and steady wins the race! If you’ve made the choice to commit to that change, then much of the hard work is already done. The good news is I’ve got lots here to keep that spirit alive. Whether you’re keen to learn more by exploring my blog, or you wish to delve deeper into my teachings through one of my books. Not forgetting my podcast, ‘Do It With Dan’, where I’m lucky enough to speak with some of the world’s most driven healers and coaches, as they impart their precious advice! However you wish to keep the momentum going, consistency is key to moving you closer to your desired outcome. Sending love, and may you dream with your eyes open!

For more guidance on how to change your internal programming, to attract greater abundance and experience greater freedom, please click on the link below for free access to my:

‘3 Secrets to Becoming a Harmonious MONEY MAGNET: REVEALED’

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