Don’t be a hater!
Hey everyone,
Just a quick blog for you today. A short but sweet few words of encouragement as you go through the weekend, wherever you are and however life is for you right now.
I talk a fair bit about creating from the now, and not allowing your mind to wonder as you set intentions or go about creating your new life. Why? Well because firstly ‘now’ is all that there is anyway, right? The past is gone and the future is never actually here. Taking action, making choices; that can only happen in the present.
So we have to get clear and again: I go on about this a lot, but the fundamental truth is that sitting in the present moment, while full of emotional baggage from the past, is not sitting in the present moment! You’re still emotionally and energetically in the past.
Just as your emotions have the power to help you create and pull a new reality into your physical, conscious experience; so too can they dredge up the past and keep you in a ‘Groundhog Day’ loop.
So where this blog maybe gets new and (hopefully) interesting, is in the spin we put on the now. If we hate the now, it’s probably not registering as a great place to create from.
Being pissed off with your lot in life and thinking that the deck is stacked against you, just tells your subconscious that creation is futile and the results of your creation will be yet more disappointing, regressive garbage. So why bother?
This is where loving what is comes in.
This came up as part of a conversation I had with the fascinating and incredibly warm David Strickel. David is a teacher and channel for The Stream. His work offers real incite and illuminates a lot of home truths. This conversation was recorded as part of my podcast and you can listen to it right here!!
As David so wonderfully points out: when we create from a space of wholeness and love, we gain so much more fulfilment from our creations. When we chase the creation of certain things, without being full and accepting of who we are in the now, there is a potential for emptiness that gets opened up.
There is a hunger that can not be satiated by whatever it is that we create, when we are not loving and accepting of ourselves. It’s a gap we can not close with more stuff! We can only be whole when we love and accept ourselves for who we are in the now.
This is not about resigning ourselves to things staying the same forever. Not at all!! Acceptance of something doesn’t mean that you don’t want to expand and grow it into something else. It’s just a true recognition and wholesale ownership of how things are right now, so that you are empowered to go on and grow as you move forward.
So before you go off to create something, own and love where you are right now. Take that in and use it to empower yourself. In Beyond Intention we talk about being the author and creator of your life. This is a significant part of that and something that I want to encourage you to think about as you go through your weekend.
Look around you at everything you have, whether that’s your family, your home or your collection of pre-prohibition postage stamps!! Love it all and hold a space of love for yourself as the creator of what is, and what shall be!
I hope this has clicked with you. If you enjoyed it, I produce regular Do It With Dan blogs, podcasts and videos. I have three books published now: Stepping Beyond Intention, The Dreamer’s Manifesto and From Time-to-Time (a really great book on time mastery). All of these are here to serve you and make you part of the journey as well.
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