Hold that thought (and stop meditating)!
Hello there, and my heartfelt thanks to you for visiting my blog! I hope you’re well rested and feeling positive about making a change in your physical reality. However big or small, it’s the action you put behind your decisions that help to drive real tangible progress within your world. Without it, we are all just dreamers!
So, if you want to live an abundant, joyful, purpose-driven life, the time to act is now. But what about the role of meditation? More often than not, we get caught up in the idea that change will happen to us. If we commit to the practice of meditation, then surely good things will come our way, right? Or maybe the universe just decides it’s our turn to receive what makes us happy. While this all sounds appealing, meditation alone is not going to get us anywhere! So, my honest advice to you? Stop meditating right now, and learn to effect real change in your life that will help move you closer to your dreams.
We’re not just one-dimensional creatures
Before we go any further, let me get one thing straight: meditation is not off the cards completely. And that’s coming from someone who meditates on a regular basis!
Just hear me out for a second. Both you and I have a spirit, a body and a mind. For this reason, the last thing we are is one dimensional. Instead, we should embrace meditation as part of a holistic process to how we live our daily lives. In other words, meditation should not be the place you stop. It’s easy to get caught up in the ‘sexiness’ of spirituality and mindfulness. If we’re constantly on pause however, then how can we hope to move forward? Every day I meet people with the opportunity to create real change, yet they find themselves stuck in the same practice, frustrated they can’t move forward. Why? Whether it’s a vision board or a mind movie – while these things can of course motivate us – they can also hinder us, distorting our view of reality and the need for change to transform what’s physically in front of us.
How to anchor change in your physical reality
So, you’ve finished your meditation for the day – what now? While meditation is, for many, a time of pause and reflection, it’s what we do next that can manifest change. How do you feel after a session of meditation? Focused? Revitalized? Raring to go? Fundamentally, it’s about learning how we can channel that energy so it doesn’t go to waste!
We need to get up off our yoga mats and harness the power we’ve just tapped into. That way, we can give our choices momentum and translate these decisions into real results. When I tell people to ‘stop meditating’, it’s for this very reason! The assumption that meditation alone can help us expand physically is what holds us back. As an alternative, meditation should be used as a tool that can help propel us forward on our journey – not stop us! So, if you enter your practice with this outlook in mind, you’ll find you do so with a new purpose. The true power of meditation then becomes your ability to manifest the power you need to make change in your life.
You are in control of what comes next
Moving onto the million-dollar question: are we in control of our actions? People often ask me if ‘free will’ truly exists, and the answer is yes!
God or the universe is not going to give us what we want just because we prayed for it. We ourselves are in control of the things we do and do not have. By letting go of the idea that everything is pre-determined, we become more responsible and accountable for our actions, and thus more deliberate in seeking the outcome. God/the universe is not a tyrant, and people who choose to believe that are only surrendering their creative responsibility; worse still, they manipulate this idea to rob people of their autonomy altogether. While free will is one of the fundamental principles on which the universe is built, it’s in our nature to shift our responsibilities onto others! As humans, we tend to blame others for the things that go wrong – whether that’s God, our parents, or the ones closest to us.
There is a beauty in accepting responsibility
Only by accepting our responsibilities – and acting on them – can we truly create our lives on a conscious level, and from a space of meaning.
All too often we let the past narrative of blame, fear or regret rule our lives, whether we hold others ‘responsible’ (or we deep down blame ourselves). With today’s climate and the negative bombardment of the media fueling that further, it’s no wonder we find ourselves stuck in a rut! In addition, we often mistake our own unconscious programs for external powers at work, when in reality it’s our inability to hold dominion over them that makes them appear ‘out of control’. Once we’re able to break free of that mindset, we can begin to use tools like meditation to make change happen. When we realize that we’re capable of overcoming anything, then the road ahead becomes clearer. Life gets better, because the creation of life is in our hands – and nobody else’s!
You are the change you want to see
Thanks again for reading my blog, and I hope you feel empowered to take control of your life!
Change is not something that comes easily to everyone, and the journey may be long. The good thing? It doesn’t matter how quickly or how slowly you reach your end goal; consistency is key. Whether that’s manifesting better health, money, or relationships with others, it’s in your hands. So, if you’re ready to commit to that change, why not pay me another visit some time? You might want to check what’s new on the blog, or tune into my podcast ‘Do It With Dan’ with a guest list packed with coaches, trainers and healers with stories to tell. If books are your bag, you’ll find a selection of my bestselling titles here. All of these materials are designed to help you make real change! So don’t forget, meditate to anchor real change in your life, and always dream with your eyes open!
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