
Mangena's Blog 

How Living Truthfully Can Combat Impostor Syndrome

Don’t let Impostor Syndrome sabotage your success

brown man face figurine - living truthfully can help you combat impostor syndrome
Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Impostor Syndrome, we’ve all been there. One moment it’s all plain sailing, the next we fall victim to crippling self-doubt. As human beings, it’s in our nature to question our own abilities, despite our superpowers having brought us so far already! We start to interrogate our past and our future, without seeing the success we are worthy of in the present. Questions such as How did I get here? and What if I fail tomorrow? force us into a corner with nowhere to go. While it’s impossible to prevent this phenomenon from rearing its ugly head once in a while, living truthfully can help you combat Impostor Syndrome in more ways than one.

What is Impostor Syndrome exactly?

Impostor Syndrome (also known as ‘perceived fraudulence’) affects everyone differently. Yet ultimately, it’s how we allow those feelings to manifest that determine their staying power. For some of us, Impostor Syndrome is a constant presence brewing in the background – yet easy to manage. For others, it comes down like a tonne of bricks rather unexpectedly. You could liken Impostor Syndrome to an out-of-body experience; you might look at yourself in the mirror and think hey, that person has actually got it made! That couldn’t possibly be me… According to research, Impostor Syndrome disproportionately affects high-achieving individuals as they struggle to accept their accomplishments. While it may feel different for everyone, the burden of uncertainty can always be found at its core.

photo of woman looking at the mirror
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Living truthfully can help you combat Impostor Syndrome

Just to be clear, the arrival of Impostor Syndrome does not mean you’re not being truthful! Yet without embracing the truth in our own success, we cannot hope to live abundantly. Impostor Syndrome only threatens to distort the truth further, so that we cannot align with it or make any progress in the right direction. But what does living ‘truthfully’ even mean? To put it in a nutshell, truth comes from a place of growth and a place of expansion (not contraction). In other words, while the truth may not always be the easier route to take, it is the right one. Why? Because only by accepting the truth and taking full responsibility for where we find ourselves presently, can we hope to embrace abundance. The bad news is that Impostor Syndrome makes this even more of a challenge! But if we dig deep enough, and with a little determination, we can always find it.

Turning Impostor Syndrome on its head

Impostor Syndrome is the enemy of progress, we know that. But what if unpacking it brought us to the realisation of something else! On the journey to living a joyful, abundant, purpose-driven life, we are often diverted off course in a new direction entirely. This is not a bad thing! While Impostor Syndrome can happen randomly, any underlying reasons could have a lot to do with the way our subconscious is wired. Perhaps you are trying to live up to the expectations of others, for example. Or maybe you took the wrong path once upon a time, and with life’s many distractions keeping you busy, you forgot what is was that made you truly happy. The truth is, Impostor Syndrome can prove a useful tool to anyone wishing to achieve their goals. It forces us to take a step back and reflect on our journey so far. But more importantly, it invites us to consider our relationship with the now.

beautiful cliff countryside freedom - living truthfully can help you combat impostor syndrome
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Kick Impostor Syndrome to the curb

As someone who’s come face to face with that perceived failure, I can tell you it’s not always easy. Failure, or just the idea of failure, can be a hard thing to overcome. But what I can also tell you is that, without those periods of self-doubt, I would not have bounced back stronger. Like so many others, I would have chosen a different path altogether. And like with so many other obstacles that threaten to get in our way, Impostor syndrome does disappear eventually (if you truly yet it)!

In the meantime, I’m here to support you on your journey – whether you’re well on your way or have only just begun. For ardent readers, my bookshelf of bestselling titles are waiting to be explored. Or if podcasts are your cup of tea, I release new episodes every week on ‘Do It With Dan’ where new listeners are most certainly welcome! Love LIVE social? You’ll find me on my Facebook and Instagram pages offering lots of juicy tips on all things money manifesting and how to live with abundance. Check out my latest event listings here.

For more guidance on how to change your internal programming, to attract greater abundance and experience greater freedom, please click on the link below for free access to my:

‘3 Secrets to Becoming a Harmonious MONEY MAGNET: REVEALED’

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