Our Money Stories

Not everyone truly desires to be rich "I just want to be rich!"Yeah, but do you? Do you really? How often do we say that we want, consciously, more abundance in our finances, but the programs in the unconscious mind keep playing out and for one reason or another we...

Guilt, Remorse & Self Forgiveness

Stop trying to escape & recognise that you have the power with you to make new choices! So today guys & gals, I really want to speak to you about how we can stop burdening ourselves with self-flagellating thoughts and emotions like guilt or remorse.  These are emotional states that...

My Story

Who is Daniel Mangena? Hello everyone, Happy Monday!!  I love Mondays. They have so much potential and beautiful energy around them. If you’re in a line of work that causes you to dread Mondays…I urge you to find something else, and quick!  Anyway, that’s not what today’s blog is all...

Honour the Pain

Are you really giving your pain the space it needs? However strong you are, you still need to honour your pain Hello you lovely, lovely people!! Dan Mangena here with another blog for you. Today on the topic of honouring your pain.  What do I mean by that? Well I...

When it all goes wrong, look inside.

If it’s not happening for you, then something is not in alignment! I wanted to take a moment today to help really identify what’s going wrong for you, when things just aren’t showing up. When you have set an intention, but for whatever reason: it just ain’t showing up! I...

Be Consistent, Even When Nobody is Watching!

Are you following through with your commitments, even when nobody is watching?  Hold yourself accountable!! Are you following through with your commitments, even when nobody is watching?  Hi guys, Dan Mangena back again for another (hopefully) insightful and eye-opening blog for you! Remember these come out four times a week,...