My Story

Who is Daniel Mangena? Hello everyone, Happy Monday!!  I love Mondays. They have so much potential and beautiful energy around them. If you’re in a line of work that causes you to dread Mondays…I urge you to find something else, and quick!  Anyway, that’s not what today’s blog is all...

You Have Never Failed

You’ve always been a winner, you just didn’t know the game you were playing! Hello fellow dreamers.  I wanted to use this blog to really highlight something that, I think many of us misunderstand. You have not failed at anything. Ever.  When you understand that we are all perfect, creating...

The Money Game Explained

What is The Money Game all about? Can you really create money out of thin air? Hey everyone. I hope you are all staying safe and continuing to live your best lives, wherever you find yourself in the world.  Today’s blog is all about my Money Game and what it...

Do you Really? (Limiting Beliefs)

Are you breaking alignment with the life you desire thanks to your limiting beliefs? Hey Dreamers,  Back once again with my regular blog. Today we’re talking about limiting beliefs, in the context of alignment.  You’ve heard me say it a millions times by now, I’m sure; but the key to...

Honour the Pain

Are you really giving your pain the space it needs? However strong you are, you still need to honour your pain Hello you lovely, lovely people!! Dan Mangena here with another blog for you. Today on the topic of honouring your pain.  What do I mean by that? Well I...

When it all goes wrong, look inside.

If it’s not happening for you, then something is not in alignment! I wanted to take a moment today to help really identify what’s going wrong for you, when things just aren’t showing up. When you have set an intention, but for whatever reason: it just ain’t showing up! I...