Don’t Try to Dictate the Path!

It’s time to get out of the way I want to talk to you in this blog about the need for letting go and allowing miracles to show up for you. The universe offers us infinite possibilities, so why do we insist on getting in the way?! Now I know...

Q&A Blog – Ashley Mince – Short V Long Term Goals

Answering Your Questions  I am incredibly excited to be able to be able to answer your questions directly. This is a fantastic way to, in the one sense: provide bespoke value to individuals, but also to hopefully articulate feelings or blocks that you might be having. So without further ado......

We Are Not All Here to do The Same Thing

This one goes out to all the fad hoppers! I saw that Tony Robbins launched a new $2,000 Mastermind with some other life coaches recently, and in no time at all they had over half a million people signed up.  No sooner had the announcement gone up, than countless people...

Nobody Cares!

Got a complaint? Nobody cares. Ok, a little harsh but hopefully by the end of this you’ll get what I mean.  So often, the energy that we’re putting into complaining and apportioning blame, is being directed at people who really don’t think about us as much as we might think. ...

Dealing With Fear

What is fear really?  What is going on in our brains when we experience fear? Not just that; but it starts to believe that what you have planned next is so big, that it won't be able to handle it. It is beyond the perceived edge of what is possible...

Bypassing V. Reframing

 Reframing the situation or experience is about turning it to our advantage This Blog has an accompanying video, available to watch now on my YouTube channel! If you enjoy this content and want more, please subscribe and hit the notification bell! I wanted to clarify a couple of things...

Be Deliberate With What You’re Asking For

You are the author and creator of your life We all have our own version of “life”. What it means to you is completely subjective, but my advice to all of you is; be deliberate in what you choose from life every day! What am I talking about? Well...we often...

Feel stuck? So What: Start Again!

Let’s take a minute or two to talk about starting again.  Take a pause. Breathe. Start the hell again! So often we get caught up in not having achieved something or not being where we want to be. The thought of starting over seems so unthinkably overwhelming. We keep banging...

Catch Your Waking Thoughts

Why is it so important to catch your thoughts first thing in the morning? Hey dreamers, happy Monday! A quick word to you today about the importance of recognising your thoughts as you wake. Really listening to yourself in the morning is critical. Why? Because they are what is going...